Amend is Here to Help

So many changes so quickly!

Life doesn’t look like it used to and, in all likelihood, it will continue to change in the weeks and months to come.

Amend is here to help.

We get it. So much uncertainty. If you’re a parent, did you just turn into a homeschooling parent? Do you now work from home? Are you somehow supposed to know how to be both? Are you worried for your finances, your future decisions? Are you grieving the loss of plans? Are you anxious about your own health or the health of those you love?

The consequences of this virus impact us the same (apparently everyone wants toilet paper right now!) and yet differently depending on our circumstances and the battles we had prior to this new reality.

Amend is here to help. I know I already said that, but I wanted to make it so very clear.

We have shifted our in-office sessions to telehealth sessions for both new and existing clients. We lowered our rates to be mindful of financial uncertainty. We added a 30 minute option for folks trying to juggle it all who may not have the time for a full session.

We will meet with individuals, couples, teens, and children. Everyone has been affected by this virus. Everyone has lost something. And everyone could use an investment in their mental health right now.

Our goal is to help you navigate the uncertainty, to process the grief, and to find health and peace.

Let us walk beside you in whatever way the Coronavirus impacts your life.

Our clinicians are committed to doing therapy in traditional and not-so-traditional ways during this time in order to meet the needs of the most people.

You are not alone. This will not last forever. There is help.

Call Mary Ann at 913-955-3250 to schedule your appointment, or send her an email to